Does the State have national laws against trafficking in persons?

  • Does your state have laws and other measures to criminalize trafficking in persons?
    • Does the law criminalize trafficking in persons?
    • Does the state have a single comprehensive law against trafficking in persons or specific provisions included in other laws? Which law addresses the issue? (Stand-alone legislation/penal code/etc.)
    • In the absence of specific legislation or provisions on trafficking in persons, do other criminal acts apply?
  • Is the legislation in place to address trafficking adequate?
    • Does national legislation criminalize trafficking in persons in all its forms and provide for penalties in accordance with international and/or regional standards?
    • Does national law criminalize exploitative conduct in domestic criminal legislation, regardless of how the victims arrived in those circumstances, in addition to the facilitation of trafficking?
      • Are trafficking-related offences such as (but not limited to), forced labour, slavery or servitude, forced marriage, sexual exploitation or debt bondage, criminalized under national legislation?
  • Is the definition of trafficking in persons comprehensive?
    • Does national law include a definition of trafficking in persons that is relevant to that state’s specific context, which is consistent with the three constituent elements of the definition in the Trafficking in Persons Protocol (act, means and purpose of exploitation)?
    • Does national law criminalize trafficking in persons for the purpose of all forms of exploitation, including the exploitation of the prostitution of others and other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude and the removal of organs?
  • Whether the legislation on trafficking in persons differentiates between adults and children;
    • Does national law criminalize trafficking of women, men and children, both when committed domestically and across borders?
    • Does national law consider the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of children, in other words persons under 18 years of age, for the purpose of exploitation to be trafficking in persons?
  • Does national law criminalize participation in an organized criminal group?
  • Does national law criminalize money laundering or the laundering of proceeds of crime?
  • Does national law recognize trafficking in persons as an extraditable offense?
  • Does national law have jurisdiction over:
    • Offences against a national of the state?
    • An offender who is a national of that state or a stateless person who habitually resides in the territory of that state?
    • Offences committed outside the territory of the state with a view to commission of a serious crime within the territory of the state?
  • Does national law criminalize trafficking in persons conduct in the elements of;
    • Participation of an organized criminal group
    • Participation as an accomplice in a trafficking offence
    • Organizing or directing others to commit a trafficking offence
  • Does national law criminalize or have specific offences related to;
    • Laundering proceeds of crimes
    • Corruption
    • Obstruction of justice
    • Does the law provide for the liability of legal persons (for example; under civil or administrative regime)?
    • Does the law provide for the establishment of trafficking in persons and other related offences as predicate offences?