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The Regional Strategic Roadmap toolkit enables Bali Process members to evaluate existing national policies, and identify gaps in current counter-trafficking programs in a self-directed manner. The toolkit has been designed to help policy makers and practitioners navigate through four distinct categories: planning, principles, policy and practices.

The Regional Strategic Roadmap is flexibly designed to match the needs of policy makers and practitioners from various fields of counter-trafficking. By working systematically through each category Bali Process members can develop more comprehensive national counter-trafficking responses.


This category contains the tools required to evaluate domestic policies and legislation.  Users can identify gaps in existing counter-trafficking plans, and set clear and achievable counter-trafficking policy goals. This section also highlights the challenges States may face while developing and implementing national policies.

To begin your policy self-evaluation, please click the button below:

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Here, an outline of the fundamental principles used to develop effective counter-trafficking policies can be found, along with an overview of international and regional legal instruments that relate to trafficking in persons.

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Here, the core operational aspects of a counter-trafficking policy can be found under “the three Ps” – Protection, Prevention and Prosecution. Users will find a detailed repository of legal and policy information, along with descriptions of policy measures, implementation methodology, additional resources, and examples of effective practice.

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This section offers users an opportunity to deepen their understanding of solutions being implemented in the Asia-Pacific region. An interactive map highlights the legislation, policies, and regional practices of the Bali Process membership.

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